Sunday 28 July 2013

Week in Review #2

Hei hei lovely readers, 

I hope you guys have had a fantastic week! I've been visiting friends in Melbourne and it's been such an amazing week. I ate so much delicious food, caught up on some reading and dvds and did plenty of shopping (the photos are from the shopping I did). Here are just a few of the things I have been loving this week:

(Loved) Reading: I am still reading the Mortal Instruments series. Last night I finished book three City of Glass. I was just trying to think about which one so far has been my favourite, but I can't decide! Out of all of them so far I finished the second one the fastest, but I loved the first one because you're getting to know everything and then there is one hell of twist at the end which I'm still getting over. The third one is amazing too because there are so many questions finally answered. I stayed up most of the night because I just couldn't put it down. I'm just waiting (not so patiently) for the film now!

(Loved) Television: I watched three episodes of Luther in a row on Monday. Then I was annoyed at myself because I was going to Melbourne later in the day and couldn't watch the season finale on Wednesday until I got back on Friday. While I was in Melbourne I bought season one of New Girl. I fell into a sort of NG vortex after that. I watched episode after episode. I had to pull myself out of it for work on Saturday. These two shows have been my life this week (aside from exploring Melbourne, of course). 

(Loved) Film: This week Jess and I watched a couple of films on a girly night in with the friends I was staying with in Melbourne. One of them was 21 Jump Street which is one of the most hilarious films ever. I remember going to see it in the cinema with Jess and we were just so surprised at how funny it turned out to be, and how Channing Tatum was suddenly a comic genius. I feel as though it's a really clever, stupid, silly comedy. If that makes any sense at all.

(Loved) Random: I just downloaded the app Candy Crush. I've heard a lot about it before but had never actually remembered to download it. Work was utterly quiet on Saturday, and so when one of my friends from work brought it up I immediately went to install it. I've been hooked since! Sadly, I'm currently waiting to get my lives back but it's kind of worked out as a good thing because I'm not sure this post would have gone up in time otherwise. Also loving the Best Song Ever by One Direction which came out earlier this week. I've got it on repeat while playing Candy Crush . . . it's probably a good thing uni goes back tomorrow, eh?

Please let me know what you guys have been loving this week in the comments. I love hearing from you! 

1 comment:

  1. hei hei, loving the new posts! just watched the final ep of luther and loved it!! also, oddly i found myself wanting to watch more NG today...somehow that show managed to suck me in a bit haha
