Saturday 12 October 2013


Warning: This post contains small spoilers.

You might remember not so long ago I went through an enormous phase of just talking about Teen Wolf. I'm still not really over it, I've just had to move onto other things, but lately I've been trying to see what other projects the cast have been doing and watching those.
I watched Dylan O'Brien (who plays Stiles Stilinski) in New Girl and I'm going to watch The Internship, which he is also in, later this weekend. The other show I wanted to watch was Arrow. One of my all time favourite characters from Teen Wolf was Jackson, played by Colton Haynes. Now, I say 'was' because he left the show last year to join the cast of Arrow. So although I'm devastated that he's left, I decided the only way to make me feel better was to watch him on his new show.

The problem was, he came into Season One at episode 15 - so I had quite a task ahead of me before I was rewarded with Colton. I had watched the first episode a few months back, and I had liked it but for some reason I had never got around to watching the next episode, just another case of too many shows and too little time. So I started it up again and found what I expected to be a chore actually not quite so terrible. Basically the premise is that billionaire Oliver Queen (played by the gorgeous Stephen Amell) was on a boat with his father when it hit stormy seas and the boat sunk. He and his father survived but his father soon died too. Oliver makes it onto a deserted island and the show starts after he is rescued from the island five years later with a mission that his dying father gave him to save the city.
It's actually based on a comic book, so it's not really expected to be believable or anything like that. He turns into a Batman-esque vigilante who, like Batman, doesn't use a gun to bring down the bad guys.
Although the writing could really do with being a little less over the top, the characters are very likeable and the plot is quite interesting. Each episode has flashbacks to the time he spent on the island, and over the course of the season you see a glimpses of why Oliver is so determined to be a better person.
When Colton Haynes did arrive in episode fifteen as Roy Harper, I was shocked. I had totally forgot he was even meant to be in that episode. However, I did find that the episodes that he is in, I enjoy better.

Arrow Season Two started last week, and there is another new episode out tomorrow. The first episode of the new season was really good and made me really excited to see how the rest of the season goes. I also spotted the stunning Dylan Bruce who plays Paul in Orphan Black.

What do you guys think? Have you given Arrow a go? Is there a show you only started because an actor you loved was in it? Let me know in the comments!

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