Sunday 21 July 2013

Week in Review #1

Hei hei guys,

Sorry I haven't posted in so long, but I've had an excuse: I've been in Europe for the past three weeks! I got back about a week ago, and I've been thinking over what I want to do with this blog. So I've come up with some new ideas that I hope you guys all enjoy! One of those things is this new "Week in Review" post, that hopefully will go up every Sunday and like the title states, just is a little space for me to tell you guys what I've been loving and watching during the week. So without further ado. . .

(Loved) Reading: I have started reading The Mortal Instruments series in anticipation for the movie coming out next month. I read the first one, City of Bones, in about two days and the plot twist, oh my goodness I'm still not over it and I'm now onto City of Glass, which is the third one. These books are a very easy read but are fast paced, funny and very addictive. Whenever I've finished one, my kindle recommends other stuff for me like Divergent and Beautiful Creatures, neither of which I have read, but  it's something to compare it to if you have

source: sheehaniguns
source: drunkstilinskis

(Loved) Films: Since coming back from Europe I have seen one film, which I will be doing a post on later in the week. I did really like it, way more than I thought I would, and that was The Heat. Look out for my review, but what I will add into this little section here is that I have no stopped watching the second The Hunger Games: Catching Fire trailer since it came out yesterday. I am so looking forward to this movie it's not even funny. Plus, Finnick is in this trailer, I repeat, Finnick is in this trailer!

source: drunkstilinskis

(Loved) Television: My friend I travelled with brought New Girl Season Two with her to watch on her ipad during our long travel periods. I have to admit here that I watched some random, middle of the second season episodes, without watching either season one, or the episodes in season two before these ones. I absolutely loved them! Why had I not watched these before? So I have come home to start season one, and totally out of character for me, I have restricted myself to watching one episode a night. That's how much I love it!

source: wickedstepmother
(Loved) Randomness: This past week I have been spending, spending, spending. And not on the usual stuff like dvd's and food. No, this week I've bought my ticket to Melbourne to watch Liverpool play Melbourne Victory, tickets to see Beyonce in early November (!!!!) and tickets to the Game of Thrones night in Sydney in mid-November. I am so excited for this, words cannot even describe. I am going to see George R.R. Martin and Peter Dinklage live and talking about the greatest books in the world.

source: drunkstilinskis

(Loved) SDCC: This is a little extra that won't be in each week, but I have been absolutely loving all the stuff coming out from Comic-Con. All photos used in this post are from there, and I had to seriously cull down which ones I wanted to show you guys. I'm seriously considering going next year, but I think I would just be a bawling mess. I'm crying now just thinking about how amazing it would be.

source: tom hiddlesston

I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know what you guys have been loving this week and definitely let me know whether you got tickets for the Game of Thrones night too . . . or Beyonce, or the Liverpool game.

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