Sunday 11 August 2013

Week in Review #4

Hei hei guys, 

Once again this week I've just been working and studying. It hasn't been too bad, it's just been really long. Here's what has been getting me through this week:

source: aconits

(Loved) Reading: This week I read this piece by Iona McLaren for the Telegraph which basically sums up all my feelings about Skins in one article. I watched Skins from the moment it came out in the UK because there was a new girl at my school who was from London and she told to watch it. The rest, as they say, is history. I became addicted, I loved all the characters, watched it religiously and I now consider it one of the vital parts of my teenage years. That all changed with Season Five. That wasn't Skins, not the Skins I had known and loved. Hearing that there was to be a Season Seven, the final season, I was curious but also doubtful. This article restored my hope and I downloaded it tonight. Look out for my review later in the week. 

(Loved) Television: So although I only started this on Friday but I have been loving it for the past three days and that is Orphan Black. It is absolutely amazing. I know I wrote about it for my last post so I won't rave on about it too much, but seriously, it's amazing. A must see. 
(I wasn't going to mention Teen Wolf but I can't help it! It's just so addictive, so I've been watching an episode a night as the last thing I watch before I go to bed.)

source: ifallelseperished

(Loved) Film: As a treat to myself for working so much this week I've been buying myself DVD's. I have literally bought eight DVD's this week alone and so I've just been watching some of those. The one I totally loved was Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Of course, I've seen it before but it was nice to have a re-watch, especially because I'm getting more and more excited for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug everyday.

(Loved) Random: I was trying to think about something random that I've been loving this week and all I could think of was this song which I have just been playing literally on repeat all week. It's called Resolution by Matt Corby. He's an Australian guy who actually came really close a few years back to winning Australian Idol. The work he is producing now is absolutely beautiful but I just feel like Resolution is that one step further. I cannot stop listening to it, he just has the most amazing voice.  

Let me know if there is something else I should be reading or watching and as usual let me know what you guys have been loving this week, I would absolutely love some suggestions!

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