Wednesday, 31 July 2013

July Favourites

Hei hei lovely people,

I can't believe that July is already over. I'm back at uni this week and it's crazy to think that I spent my holiday break in Europe and Melbourne. August means getting back into the swing of things: back to uni, back to work and back on the diet. However, it also means a lot of new films are coming out which I have no doubt will make it into my August favourites. This post however, is about what I was loving during the month of July.

1. Game of Thrones

source: aryarstark

This season was really great for me because I was reading A Feast for Crows at the same time and just absolutely loving it. One thing about this season that I've found really good is that it has been giving a lot of characters a bit more of a back story, and sort of fleshing out their story line. It's been quite interesting to see. I can't believe it's all over and we have to wait another year! The other thing that really scared me today was thinking that I've waited "another year" for the next season of this show twice already - I've been watching this show for nearly three years! That is such a long time considering how much I still love this show (possibly even more than I did at first) and that it is still such a fresh, different program from anything else on the small screen. Love. Love. Love.

2. David Fincher 

source: slayerage

As some of you might know I've been trying to get through IMDB's Top 250 films by the end of the year. David Fincher is a director with quite a few of his works in the list. I am a huge admirer of his work, I especially love Fight Club and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. Fight Club is currently #10 on IMDB's list, and while I don't agree with a lot of the placing on the list, this movie definitely deserves to be top 10. Lately I've been trying to catch up because I feel like I'm running out of time a little, and trying to focus on specific directors or actors. David Fincher is one of these directors. I watched Se7en at the beginning of the month (#22 on the list) and fell in love with it. Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth Paltrow and Kevin Spacey - what a cast! I did find it a quite predictable, and the way they actually find the murderer is a little shaky but I loved the gruesome crime scenes and murders, and it has a good ending. It's hard to find a good murder mystery film, and I think this is definitely one of my favourites ever.

3. Leo

Leo & Kate Winslet

Just thinking about Leonardo DiCaprio makes my eyes well with tears. I can't. I just can't explain to people how much I admire him. I just love people who pick their work projects properly and take so much pride in what they do and what they produce, and Leo is one of these rare people (Ben Whishaw and Cate Blanchett are some others). Leo is on this list because a) I (finally) watched Shutter Island and was struck yet again by his incredible talent and b) I have had the trailer for The Wolves of Wall Street on repeat for the whole month. I think it's one of the best trailers I've seen. Plus, I have good feelings about this movie, and feel that this could just be the one where Leo finally gets his Oscar (fingers crossed people!)

As usual, please let me know what you've been loving, I'll need some new television to watch because all my favourites are ending or have ended for the season now.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Trailer Tuesday #2

The werewolves are here to save us
... never thought I'd say that.

I saw the trailer for this movie a very long time ago. I hadn't read any of the books yet but eagerly watched it because it included one of my all time favourite actors Robert Sheehan who I had fallen in love with in his role as Nathan in Misfits. Then I saw it also had Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Lena Headey . . . and Aiden Turner . . . and Kevin Zegers . . . and Jaime Campbell Bower . . . and I realised that this cast was pretty damn perfect. 

Now that I've read the book and am half way through the series this is one film that I am absolutely hanging out to see. The stuff from the cast at comic-con also didn't help, and I fell in love with the rest of the cast that I hadn't been very familiar with before. I will definitely be seeing this one on the day it comes out. Lucky it's not too far away now.

Mortal Instruments: City of Bones comes out in cinemas on August 22nd in Australia. 

Will you be seeing this movie? Or is there something else you're pining to see? Let me know in the comments! 

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Week in Review #2

Hei hei lovely readers, 

I hope you guys have had a fantastic week! I've been visiting friends in Melbourne and it's been such an amazing week. I ate so much delicious food, caught up on some reading and dvds and did plenty of shopping (the photos are from the shopping I did). Here are just a few of the things I have been loving this week:

(Loved) Reading: I am still reading the Mortal Instruments series. Last night I finished book three City of Glass. I was just trying to think about which one so far has been my favourite, but I can't decide! Out of all of them so far I finished the second one the fastest, but I loved the first one because you're getting to know everything and then there is one hell of twist at the end which I'm still getting over. The third one is amazing too because there are so many questions finally answered. I stayed up most of the night because I just couldn't put it down. I'm just waiting (not so patiently) for the film now!

(Loved) Television: I watched three episodes of Luther in a row on Monday. Then I was annoyed at myself because I was going to Melbourne later in the day and couldn't watch the season finale on Wednesday until I got back on Friday. While I was in Melbourne I bought season one of New Girl. I fell into a sort of NG vortex after that. I watched episode after episode. I had to pull myself out of it for work on Saturday. These two shows have been my life this week (aside from exploring Melbourne, of course). 

(Loved) Film: This week Jess and I watched a couple of films on a girly night in with the friends I was staying with in Melbourne. One of them was 21 Jump Street which is one of the most hilarious films ever. I remember going to see it in the cinema with Jess and we were just so surprised at how funny it turned out to be, and how Channing Tatum was suddenly a comic genius. I feel as though it's a really clever, stupid, silly comedy. If that makes any sense at all.

(Loved) Random: I just downloaded the app Candy Crush. I've heard a lot about it before but had never actually remembered to download it. Work was utterly quiet on Saturday, and so when one of my friends from work brought it up I immediately went to install it. I've been hooked since! Sadly, I'm currently waiting to get my lives back but it's kind of worked out as a good thing because I'm not sure this post would have gone up in time otherwise. Also loving the Best Song Ever by One Direction which came out earlier this week. I've got it on repeat while playing Candy Crush . . . it's probably a good thing uni goes back tomorrow, eh?

Please let me know what you guys have been loving this week in the comments. I love hearing from you! 

Thursday, 25 July 2013


I've spoken about Luther before on my blog, and you can bet your bottom dollar this won't be the last time.

source: blurrymelancholy

At the time of writing this, I've just finished episode one of the new season (three). After waiting what feels like an eternity for it to finally air, I have to be honest, I was feeling pretty nervous about what the show would be like and whether I would love it just as much as the previous two seasons. 
It seems I didn't have to be worried at all.
The things that make Luther one of my all time favourite series are still there. The flawless cast headed up by the always perfect Idris Elba, the gripping storylines and the beautiful lighting. One adjective I love to use is "perfect". But how else can I describe this show? Faultless. Ideal. Immaculate. Impeccable. Splendid. Sublime. Superb. Unequaled. 
I know Luther is an amazing crime show because I'm not only fascinated by the murder plot but also the "personal" story arch that is always mandatory in crime shows these days. Usually I'm so involved in catching the killer and figuring out who dunnit that I hate it when they cut to the detective's love story or their personal issues going on at home. I don't care, no one wants to see that. Luther is different in that whether it's the crime or the personal arch, I don't care, I just want more of it. This turned into a dream come true in the last episodes of season one, which I think I could say with some conviction that these are two of my favourite Luther episodes ever. 

source: enamorism

The one teensy little thing that is missing from this episode is Alice Morgan. I saw her in the trailer, so I know she's coming sometime this season, now where is she? I should have seen this coming, they are probably only going to bring her in for the last episode. I'm such an idiot for thinking it was going to be partners in crime Alice and Luther again. 
If you haven't started season three yet, or you haven't seen any Luther at all, I implore you to start! 
As usual, let me know in the comments what you have been thinking. Have you been loving Luther too or is this season not up to the usual standard?

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The Impossible

14 hour flights suck. 
This is not a new discovery of mine, having done six of them in the past three years. However, the one I just got back from has to be one of the worst of all time. It had everything: bad food, crying babies and I was separated from my friend so I was sitting next to two strangers. On top of all this I just couldn't pick what I wanted to watch. I had resorted to watching my two favourite scenes in Skyfall over and over again, which must have confused the two strangers sitting next to me greatly. You know when you can just feel the tears welling up? I was at that point, and so I turned off the Ben Whishaw scene in Skyfall and flicked through the movies trying to decide which one would be the saddest. I found The Impossible. 

source: kubrickit

Now I don't know whether it was the fact that I was on one of the worst flights ever and the complete lack of sleep, but I sobbed the whole way through this movie. 
The whole cast of this amazing movie is absolutely perfect. After seeing this, my doubts about Jennifer Lawrence winning the Oscar for Best Actress spring up again. Naomi Watts is just too good. Ewan McGregor as well, although I felt like you didn't get to see him as much as everyone else. Even the little boys were so perfect I was crying.
The heartbreaking thing about this movie is that it's a true story and it's just one story of the thousands that occurred because of the tsunami in Indonesia Boxing Day 2004, and you get glimpses of those how those stories end throughout the movie. 

I give this movie a nine out of ten and would highly recommend it to anyone. 

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Trailer Tuesday #1

As I wrote in my Weekly Review post earlier this week, I promised that I had few things up my sleeve for improving my blog. Trailer Tuesday is one of these and hopefully will be something you guys like and I can write one for many Tuesdays to come!

This week I'm talking about two trailers, both of which I am frothing over. Both you might have seen, but I'm hoping at least one is relatively new to you guys. 

The Wolf of Wall Street trailer did come out a while ago, I admit. This has not stopped me watching it at least twice daily. This is an example of a perfect trailer. Scorsese. The music of Kanye. The editing. Leo. 
Yesterday I asked myself a very tough question "If you just had to watch one movie at the cinema for the rest of the year, what would it be?". With so many great ones coming out, you can understand this question was impossible to answer. I got it down to a top three, and this was definitely one of them. 

The second Catching Fire trailer is so amazing. It's one of the other three movies in my top three (the third is The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug) most anticipated this year. What I like about this trailer is that it is a continuation from the first one they released. The first one focused a lot on the revolution going on and didn't include anything really about the Quarter Quell (and hence there was no Finnick, which is the main thing, lets be honest). This second trailer on the other hand, focuses much more on the Games and shows not only Finnick but a lot of the other contestants too. 
I'm really sorry but while I'm writing this the trailer isn't up on youtube, I think it's a copyright problem as it was just shown at Comic Con. I will edit this later to include a trailer for it. Instead I've added the small part Finnick is in (so worth the wait for this, right guys?). 

source: drunkstilinskis
Let me know what movie you would pick if you could only see one more in the cinemas this year. 

Monday, 22 July 2013

The Heat

"Do you wanna go and see a movie tonight?"

source: the collider
I literally ask my family this weekly. It never happens. For some reason this week, it did.
I wanted to go and see Man of Steel, mainly because my trip to Europe has meant that I've totally missed out on seeing it so far. But no, my mum had requirements. If we were going to see a movie, she wanted to go and see The Heat. Yeah, not really the one I had in mind.
You know me though, I won't say no to a movie, especially if someone else is paying (which it turns out, she wasn't, but she did pay for the popcorn so that was alright).
I little to no expectations for this movie. I had seen the trailer so many times and thought (like so many films these days) that I had seen all the funny bits. I was so wrong! My brother (who is eighteen)  tagged along too and he was laughing a lot as well. It works for a lot of different ages as there are plenty of jokes for everyone.

source: red carpet fashion awards

Plus I'm loving that it's two women, Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy, who are doing a classic cop comedy. It totally passes The Bechedel Test, which we really shouldn't still have to be congratulating films for doing that any more, but for some strange reason, here we are. One review I read stated: "The Heat isn't a hilarious buddy-cop flick with women. It's a hilarious buddy-cop flick, period. It's also the funniest film I've seen all year." 

This movie gets a six out of ten. Although it's laugh-out-loud funny and totally passed my expectations, the plot line is a bit of a disaster and quite predictable.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Week in Review #1

Hei hei guys,

Sorry I haven't posted in so long, but I've had an excuse: I've been in Europe for the past three weeks! I got back about a week ago, and I've been thinking over what I want to do with this blog. So I've come up with some new ideas that I hope you guys all enjoy! One of those things is this new "Week in Review" post, that hopefully will go up every Sunday and like the title states, just is a little space for me to tell you guys what I've been loving and watching during the week. So without further ado. . .

(Loved) Reading: I have started reading The Mortal Instruments series in anticipation for the movie coming out next month. I read the first one, City of Bones, in about two days and the plot twist, oh my goodness I'm still not over it and I'm now onto City of Glass, which is the third one. These books are a very easy read but are fast paced, funny and very addictive. Whenever I've finished one, my kindle recommends other stuff for me like Divergent and Beautiful Creatures, neither of which I have read, but  it's something to compare it to if you have

source: sheehaniguns
source: drunkstilinskis

(Loved) Films: Since coming back from Europe I have seen one film, which I will be doing a post on later in the week. I did really like it, way more than I thought I would, and that was The Heat. Look out for my review, but what I will add into this little section here is that I have no stopped watching the second The Hunger Games: Catching Fire trailer since it came out yesterday. I am so looking forward to this movie it's not even funny. Plus, Finnick is in this trailer, I repeat, Finnick is in this trailer!

source: drunkstilinskis

(Loved) Television: My friend I travelled with brought New Girl Season Two with her to watch on her ipad during our long travel periods. I have to admit here that I watched some random, middle of the second season episodes, without watching either season one, or the episodes in season two before these ones. I absolutely loved them! Why had I not watched these before? So I have come home to start season one, and totally out of character for me, I have restricted myself to watching one episode a night. That's how much I love it!

source: wickedstepmother
(Loved) Randomness: This past week I have been spending, spending, spending. And not on the usual stuff like dvd's and food. No, this week I've bought my ticket to Melbourne to watch Liverpool play Melbourne Victory, tickets to see Beyonce in early November (!!!!) and tickets to the Game of Thrones night in Sydney in mid-November. I am so excited for this, words cannot even describe. I am going to see George R.R. Martin and Peter Dinklage live and talking about the greatest books in the world.

source: drunkstilinskis

(Loved) SDCC: This is a little extra that won't be in each week, but I have been absolutely loving all the stuff coming out from Comic-Con. All photos used in this post are from there, and I had to seriously cull down which ones I wanted to show you guys. I'm seriously considering going next year, but I think I would just be a bawling mess. I'm crying now just thinking about how amazing it would be.

source: tom hiddlesston

I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know what you guys have been loving this week and definitely let me know whether you got tickets for the Game of Thrones night too . . . or Beyonce, or the Liverpool game.