Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Captain America: The Winter Solider


I wouldn't say that Cap is my favourite Avenger (that honour goes to Thor) but he is a very close second. One of the reasons I love him is he is just so caring and loving. He absolutely does not want to hurt anyone and if you're his friend, then you are his friend for life and he will go out of his way to help you. Now I'm just getting emotional thinking about how I'd like to be his friend.

The Winter Soldier is much better than the first one. For one, the inclusion of the Black Widow makes the film a thousand times better. I need to see a Black Widow movie and soon. I would see that movie ten times just to do my bit for its box office numbers. She's intelligent, thoughtful, caring, stunning and my eyes just automatically go to her every time she's in a shot. I also liked that it's not just about one mission they all go on, but it's about SHIELD and we get to learn a lot more about the organisation and what is really going on there. 

My favourite scene: My favourite scene is definitely the part where Natasha and Steve are trying to hide so they go to the shopping centre and the Apple Store. That whole scene is hilarious and I could not stop laughing. I also have to say that I got the most excited I think I've ever been in the cinema at the mid-credits scene. We actually got a look at the twins, who are going to play a very big role in The Avengers 2, one of them is being played by one of my very favourite actors ever, Aaron Taylor-Johnson. 

My favourite character: There are too many! However, I think I have to say The Winter Soldier is my favourite character in this film. He just makes me so sad the entire time, I wanted to sob every time he was on screen, especially at the ending. Sebastian Stan is truly an amazing actor, especially seeing as most of the acting he had to do was in the eyes. I'm excited to see where they go from here with this storyline. It's already confirmed that they are making a third instalment, set for release in May 2016. 

My least favourite character: I'm probably going to have to go down the easy route and say Alexander Pierce, played by Robert Redford, who is everyone's least favourite character. If you want a slightly more controversial answer I will tell you that I am not a big fan of Nick Fury and I find his scenes quite tedious.

Overall this was a really great film which I 100% recommend for everyone to go and see (if you've seen the first one - it won't really work if you haven't seen the first one). It's really encouraging to see that each of Marvel's works keep improving and it just makes me more excited for the films yet to come (I'm looking at you Guardians of the Galaxy!).